I haven't had a chance yet to explain the ordeal of the past three weeks since we gave birth to our beautiful sons and I will, but first I have to write about last night. As a new parent, I am hypersensitive to all the sounds and gurgles coming out of the mouths of my new babelets. And last night was a prime example. After I feed the twins, I hear odd noises coming out as they breathe -- tres disturbing! Then of course, as my instinct tells me that one of them is about to spit up so to stay close, I ignore it, fall fast asleep and then hear gagging and spitting and then proceed to curse myself for not listening to my gut.
Anyway, last night was a bit of an experience.
Little Man (LM as he will now be known), I suspect, must be going through a growth spurt. Last night, he cried like he had never cried before, until I clued in that if I gave him some boob, he would be satiated. And it worked like a charm. Every two hours. Like clockwork. 12am, 2am, 4am, 6am. Nice. And Little Big Man (LBM) needed to be fed in between. So we fed them together at midnight and then I fed LBM on his own at 3am because of course, LM was fast asleep.
It was the never ending night.
It was also a new experience for me because I was able to feed them individually, and actually concentrate on each one, talk to him, and of course fall asleep with them in my arms... heh heh. Up until now, we have been really trying to tandem feed but it's proven to be much more challenging than originally thought. More on the tandem feeding thing later.
It's been 5 days since they came home (Christmas Day!) and the days really are starting to blend in together. It's a shame because I want to cherish and remember every second! Hence the blog. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday but that's okay, I'm gonna do the best I can...!!!
Off to a doctor's appointment today. It'll be nice to get out again. Thank goodness my husband is extremely hands on and respects my suggestions, insistent bossiness and helps out so much. I don't know what I'd do without him!
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