Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Another Resolutions Update

This year, I hope to...

1.  Learn how to sew and complete at least one sewing project by July 1, 2011.
This resolution is a little difficult -- I still don't have a sewing machine.  Maybe I should revise it to:  Get a sewing machine by July 1, 2011.
Yesterday was my birthday and my cousin GAVE me her unused Brother LS2125 sewing machine!  Husband says that he will still be on the lookout for a Janome model, which is a nice brand that will probably last me years, but this one can tide me over till then.  Hey, it's new, and will do everything (or anything) I need for now!!! Yay!!!
2.  Write at least 3-5 posts per month on this blog.
I did accomplish this in Feb and March, I think... despite my massive bf issues and delirium that accompanied it!
3.  Run a half marathon or another 10K by October, 2011.
HA!  As if I've even started working out yet!  I am hoping I'll start SOMETHING next week.  The fact that I went to a swimming pool last week with the boyz is accomplishment enough, I think.
4.  Go on a family vacation to the Rockies or somewhere in Canada in the summer. 
This definitely is not happening.  I don't think my husband can take the time off although we might be able to swing something for November... hopefully!  Again, I think we're gonna need to go with family members only because we need the extra set of hands!
5.  Make at least 1 extra payment on the mortgage (Gotta start small and remember I'm on maternity leave! and I have to figure it out with my husband).  
Done!  Our next mortgage payment will have another $5000 added to it.  That's it for the year.  I think a good thing?
6.  Create a family budget and stick to it.  This will be completed by the end of February, 2011 Fail.  Let's change it to December 2011.  hahahahaha!!!  I need more time!
Believe it or not, our financial advisor sent me his own personal budget template and I've started filling it out.  It's not easy, that's for sure however....  At least I've started!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter and Baptising

Yesterday the boyz were baptized.  They were wonderful and calm.  It was a glorious day, sunny and warm and I was so happy.  It was an awesome service, my husband's family really enjoyed the United Church's "way" of conducting Sunday service, and that was great to hear too. Especially for my mom, who was so proud to have us there!

LBM sucked on my neck throughout the service and I got my first hickey.  From my son.  Hilarious!

I felt proud and I felt like we were starting anew with our sons.  Establishing a community of faith for my boyz and for my husband and I is really important to me and I felt like yesterday was the starting point. 

I have a lot of hope for the future for our family.  I want it to begin with God as our foundation.  I think we've begun...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Turning Points

Having the babies has taught me that life is all about turning points.  I feel like this weekend was one of them.  The boyz are changing a lot. 

Turning Point #1:  On Friday night, I was able to nurse them at about 7:30pm and then after playing with them for a bit, we put them to bed at about 9pm.  At 5:15am, I woke up to a soaked t-shirt and leaking boobs.  "Everybody UP!!!" I yelled and bolted out of bed.  I scared my husband awake and the boyz just smiled and lazed around, waiting to eat.  I don't even think they wanted to.  I was in pain, I had to massage my boobs, I was afraid that without doing that, they would become too engorged.  I've had mastitis and I do not want to go down that road again.  Anyway, just for the fact that they slept for 8+ hours in a row has GOT to be a turning point, right?

Turning Point #2:  Saturday, after swimming lessons, we came home, fully expecting boyz to sleep for a couple of hours.  Instead, just as we sit down to eat lunch, we hear a little squeak.  We look over at the car seats, in time to see two little boyz staring at us, wide awake, patiently waiting for us to take them out and give them their own lunch!  A calm awakening has GOT to be a turning point, right?

Turning Point #3:  After nursing them and then bathing them, we quickly took off for the grandparents house about 30mins away.  Playing with grandma and grandpa (sort of, granpa was teaching me how to make tomato sauce!) was good for their soul.  Then it was eating time again and I was able to nurse them there.  The fact that I was comfortable enough to nurse them there was DEFINITELY a turning point for me.

Turning Point #4:  The boyz are starting to talk and make real noises with their voices now.  LM is especially starting to use his voice more often now, and his crying is totally different, because he is using his voice.  It is soooooooo cute.  LBM is still so engaged with toys and other stuff but is slowly starting to pay more attention to human beings (haha).  He talks like crazy and gets so excited and loves to play.  It is so amazing to watch.  This transition to "human" has GOT to be a turning point, right?

This weekend was such a turning point for me and our family.  I am feeling happier and more satisfied. 

Now, I just have to start running...

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I've decided to keep a record of the books I've read since the babies arrived.  It takes a while to get through a book (Audition took FOREVER) but, honestly, this is the most I've read in a really long time.

1. The Secret Daughter by Shilpi Somaya Gowda too predictable
2. Audition by Barbara Walters soooo interesting
3. Ysabel by Guy Gavriel Kay a lot better than I expected, and very engaging for me
4. The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly all right, easy read
5. I`ve just started Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Resolutions update...

This year, I hope to...

1.  Learn how to sew and complete at least one sewing project by July 1, 2011.
This resolution is a little difficult -- I still don't have a sewing machine.  Maybe I should revise it to:  Get a sewing machine by July 1, 2011.
2.  Write at least 3-5 posts per month on this blog.
I did accomplish this in Feb and March, I think... despite my massive bf issues and delirium that accompanied it!
3.  Run a half marathon or another 10K by October, 2011.
HA!  As if I've even started working out yet!  I am hoping I'll start SOMETHING next week.  The fact that I went to a swimming pool last week with the boyz is accomplishment enough, I think.
4.  Go on a family vacation to the Rockies or somewhere in Canada in the summer. 
This definitely is not happening.  I don't think my husband can take the time off although we might be able to swing something for November... hopefully!  Again, I think we're gonna need to go with family members only because we need the extra set of hands!
5.  Make at least 1 extra payment on the mortgage (Gotta start small and remember I'm on maternity leave! and I have to figure it out with my husband).  
Done!  Our next mortgage payment will have another $5000 added to it.  That's it for the year.  I think a good thing?
6.  Create a family budget and stick to it.  This will be completed by the end of February, 2011 Fail.  Let's change it to December 2011.  hahahahaha!!!  I need more time!

Swimming Lessons

The boyz loved their first swimming lesson!  It was calm and fun and not too too cold.  Little Man started turning a little blue but as per usual, didn't really complain... until the end... when we were in the Family change room (which, btw, was the tiniest, dumbest place ever! not enough stalls, or space and 50 million families trying to change -- what a nightmare!).  We decided we will need a third hand...  our strategy for this week is for me to get out with LM about 10 minutes sooner, get changed and dried and then ready for LBM to come out and since I will be dry, I will be able to concentrate on getting him changed and dry.  We'll have to bring one car seat so LM can chillax while all of this is being done.  WOW. 

Oh, and putting on their reusable swim diapers was fun -- and funny.  I totally did not even think about the fact that the boyz would pee between home and the lesson -- duh... so poor LM soaked all of his clothes before we even got out of the house!  I quickly put their regular diapers overtop their swim diapers and when we got to the pool, I just pulled them out.

So much planning needs to be done.  But honestly, we didn't think of any of this stuff beforehand.  How were we supposed to know!!!???
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Best. Gifts. Ever by S. You is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.